Come join us for a day in Brazoria County birding some of the lesser-known hotspots, although that does not make them any less birdy! These sites are enjoyed by local birders year-round and are especially attractive during spring migration.
We will stay flexible with our route depending on weather, bird activity, and other considerations, but we will likely begin by birding the marsh along Crab Road in Surfside. This tidal saltmarsh habitat is ever-changing, attracting a different variety of species depending on the amount of water within it. Here we will look for waterbirds, shorebirds, rails, and try for Seaside Sparrow.
We’ll then make our way over to Justin Hurst Wildlife Management Area picnic area near Jones Creek, for migrating songbirds and possibly Swainson’s Warblers already on breeding territory. Other stops include Snow Woods, a private property along Oyster Creek near the town of the same name, for more migrant songbirds, and Cannan Bend, a fairly new National Wildlife Refuge tract, for more migrants and local bird species. These freshwater and brackish habitats also offer the potential for specialties such as Anhinga.
Walking will be mostly easy, but all trails are dirt or grass and can be uneven. The grass might be tall at one site, and depending on rain it can be muddy.
We encourage participants to carpool if possible as some of these sites offer limited parking. Driving directions to the meeting site will be emailed prior to the festival.
Bring: water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, insect repellent