
5:30 am
Don’t miss this popular field trip to the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, which is designated an Internationally Significant Shorebird site and contains more water than land within its 44,000+ acres. We’ll leave dark and early on our bus trip to the refuge, crossing San Luis Pass at sunrise. As we continue westward along the Bluewater Highway, we’ll keep an eye out over the wetlands for raptors. We’ll continue along the levee road that follows Oyster Creek, offering the possibility of Ospreys, White Pelicans, and lingering winter waterfowl.
Find out more »6:00 am
Join Sean Fitzgerald on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.
Find out more »6:30 am
The estuaries of Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge are an important nursery for the fish and shellfish species found in the Gulf of Mexico. Beyond the estuaries, the saltwater marshes ease inland. Fresh water from an occasional storm and the inflow from rivers and creeks helps to keep saltwater out of the freshwater marshes, as well...
Find out more »Boy Scout Woods, Smith Oaks, The Rookery, and more! From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded...
Find out more »Join Jon Dunn, a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds, for a birding tour of Bolivar Peninsula. Jon co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society’s Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions. He is the co-writer and host...
Find out more »7:00 am
Join Greg and local birder David Hanson on a trip guaranteed to expose you to many island habitats and what ought to be a significant variety of species! Well known by the locals, these less familiar hot spots have proved fruitful time and again. We’ll begin at Lafitte’s Cove walking the paths in search of...
Find out more »Texas Targets
Join Clayton Leopold and Jeff Sexton for this open-ended trip geared for those who come to the Texas Gulf Coast to focus on bird species with range limits in this area. These include local specialties such as Roseate Spoonbill, Wilson’s Plovers, Horned Lark, Seaside Sparrow, and White-tailed Kite. We will also attempt to find any...
Find out more »Resoft is a beautiful Brazoria County Park, and we are excited to offer a return this year, for two FeatherFest photography field trips! It is an 80-acre day-use park near Alvin that is wheelchair accessible. David will be using his own E-trike to get around. The park has interconnected, crescent shaped lakes with islands in...
Find out more »7:30 am
Join us for a trip to one of the largest migrant traps on the East end of Galveston Island. The Texas A&M Wetlands Center hosts mature oaks, hackberry, and mulberry trees as well as small freshwater and retention ponds. This attracts dozens of neo-tropic migrants including warblers, buntings, tanagers, and orioles.
Find out more »Focusing on discovering migrating songbirds on Galveston’s West End, this trip will feature warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings. Located at the intersection of two important migratory flyways, Galveston Island provides critical resources and cover for birds as they journey northward. During stormy weather, fallout events are common, as birds seek shelter and much-needed...
Find out more »8:00 am
The spectacle of a water bird nesting rookery is a birder “must see.” North Deer Island has 1.7 miles of protected shoreline which supports nesting habitat for the threatened Reddish Egret and 16 other bird species. Rookeries dot the Texas Gulf coast. Among the best in Texas is 144-acre North Deer Island shared by nesting...
Find out more »Drive your own car to the Galveston Island State Park for a delightful, natural experience. Enjoy paddling in a provided kayak while slowly exploring the open lagoons and marshes of Galveston Island State Park, one of the area’s premier ecological jewels. This 2,000-acre public park offers a multitude of habitats that support a wide variety of birds: waders like herons, egrets, Roseate Spoonbill and shorebirds; waterfowl and overhead raptors like Osprey; White-tailed Kite and Northern Harrier.
Find out more »Join author Jennifer Bristol on an exploration of the historic cemeteries of Galveston. These unexpected birding spaces offer easy walking and quality bird watching, while diving deep into the human history of the island. Participants will explore three cemeteries on this outing, each offering a variety of habitats attractive to birds and birders alike. There is...
Find out more »In this trip, participants visit an excellent pollinator garden to learn hands on techniques to produce creative photos of the garden and its residents. Ruth demonstrates, instructs and guides participants, covering the following topics to simplify the process of photographing pollinators and flowers: Camera and lens settings; Shutter speed, ISO, Aperture (f/stop), and more; Using...
Find out more »11:30 am
Good photography can change hearts and minds. Join professional photographer Sean Fitzgerald for a presentation on how to photograph an ecosystem for maximum impact, with a particular focus on often overlooked Texas prairie ecosystems. Learn valuable tips to take better photos using a variety of techniques to help you tell the stories you want to tell.
Find out more »Join Ruth Hoyt for this indoor session, where she presents her program and demonstrates how she processes raw photographs from digital cameras.
Find out more »12:30 pm
Galveston’s West End has drawn birders from all over the world for nearly 100 years. In addition to estuarial saltwater marsh, it contains freshwater ponds, pockets of scrubland, mudflats, and sandy beach habitat. This combination attracts a wide variety of shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, and more. We will begin the trip by viewing tidal pools...
Find out more »1:00 pm
This is your opportunity to explore “the other side” of Galveston Bay. We head over the causeway bridge to explore birding areas on the Mainland side of Galveston Bay in the Tiki Island, Texas City, and La Marque areas. One of our best kept secrets and most under explored areas, participants will be surprised at...
Find out more »Birds need bugs—for food, as well as to support the ecosystems that sustain birds. Sadly, bugs (insects and other arthropods) face many challenges to their survival, and they need our help. The good news is that we can take simple steps to help them—right here, right now, right in our own gardens. In this presentation, Lauren Simpson explains the importance of bugs for birds, introduces our native insects, and shares simple techniques for transforming our own garden into a beautiful, native-plant paradise—one that supports bugs, birds, and other wildlife while also pleasing neighbors. Ms. Simpson will also bring native-plant seeds, harvested from her own gardens, to share with attendees
Find out more »We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder...
Find out more »Have you been curious about taking videos but just haven’t tried it yet or do you need some tips on how to improve your videos? Join Tim is this workshop which will cover the basics of how to capture and process slow-motion videos. Utilizing your camera to take videos will elevate your story telling capability,...
Find out more »We all want to continue to grow as photographers, and in this workshop, Scott will discuss many different things one can do to improve your technical and artistic skills in order to capture better images.
Find out more »2:00 pm
Bird Galveston’s East End with one of the world’s most famous birders! In 1998, Greg zig-zagged 130,000 miles across the USA hoping to reach at least 700 species of birds in one calendar year.
Find out more »2:30 pm
In this presentation we discuss how the Purple Martin connection to the Native Americans brought about a complete transition change in their nesting habits. This shift marks an important relationship between humans and Martins today. In addition, we’ll examine their migratory patterns, food sources, and potential predators.
Find out more »3:00 pm
From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded beacon amongst the coastal marshland providing food, water, and...
Find out more »This trip takes you to a private property owned by the Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) and not generally open to the public. GBF has conserved over 13,000 acres of critical coastal habitat in and around Galveston Bay. For decades, groundwater pumping in the region caused massive subsidence and contributed to the loss of wetlands. That coastal erosion meant wetlands around the bay sank into the water. Like many parts of Galveston Island, Sweetwater Preserve has sustained severe erosion. A 1,000-foot oyster reef project is part of larger restoration efforts in which the foundation has planted marsh along the shoreline. The reef protects the marsh from more degradation and protects the 464-acre property. This property includes a mixture of habitats including coastal prairie, estuarine marsh, salt flats, freshwater wetlands, brackish wetlands, and coastal woodlots.
Find out more »4:00 pm
Driving directions to the meeting site will be emailed prior to the festival. Learn how to capture the decisive moment at a local spot that has many birds, with an emphasis on birds in flight, sparring and other behavior. Sean will discuss how knowledge, observation, equipment and technique combine to help nature photographers capture decisive...
Find out more »San Luis Pass encompasses a series of beaches located on the west end of Galveston Island. The mud flats and dunes hold a wide variety of photo opportunities for area birds. During this field trip, you will visit specific locations based on light, wind, tides and availability of birds.
Find out more »Join Ruth Hoyt on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.
Find out more »6:00 pm
If you’d love to have a personal Raptor Experience with a touch of history, this one-of-a-kind wildlife celebration is for you! Raptors Uncorked is returning to the historic 1859 Ashton Villa on Broadway. In addition, we are bringing back our VIP Experience, so don't miss out on this unique and fun event.
Find out more »Birding Artist Boat’s Coastal Heritage Preserve by Golf Cart is the perfect outing for those with mobility challenges. (This field trip is not available for those using wheelchairs.) Sit back and enjoy birding the Anchor Bay Peninsula of the Coastal Heritage Preserve from the comfort of the new Artist Boat electric golf cart with Executive...
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