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Dennis Jones

Dennis Jones worked for the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department for over 30 years. During that time, he served as Park Naturalist, Resource Manager, Park Superintendent, Park Historian, and Regional Interpretive Specialist. Prior to his service with TPWD, he worked at the Chemical Transportation Center, for chemical spills, leaks, and fires in Washington D.C. At that same time, he worked part time in the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian, under the supervision of Roxie Laybourne, bird expert extraordinaire. After retirement from government service he became a Coastal Warden for Audubon Texas and continues in that position today.

Upcoming Events

April 2025
April 26 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

The spectacle of a water bird nesting rookery is a birder “must see.” North Deer Island has 1.7 miles of protected shoreline which supports nesting habitat for the threatened Reddish Egret and 16 other bird species. Rookeries dot the Texas Gulf coast. Among the best in Texas is 144-acre North Deer Island shared by nesting herons, egrets, ibis, cormorants, shorebirds and seabirds. You’ll witness the sight, sounds and smells of thousands of Brown Pelican (approximately 40% of TX coastal nesters),…

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