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Richard Gibbons

Richard Gibbons is the Director of Conservation for Audubon Texas. He has worked as an ornithologist for more than two decades on the Gulf Coast and throughout the Americas. Richard has enjoyed working on various land acquisitions, managing land for wildlife and people, developing engaging content for various media, and working with a diverse community of practice for Gulf Coast bird conservation projects. Richard’s work at Louisiana State University’s Museum of Natural Science was focused on developing and managing community science projects in Louisiana while studying birds, wetlands, and climate change in Peru’s high Andes.

Upcoming Events

April 2025
April 25 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Join Richard Gibbons, Director of Conservation for National Audubon, on a trip to one of the finest migratory locations in North America – the western end of the Bolivar Peninsula. Here are the Houston Audubon Horseshoe Marsh and Bolivar Flats bird sanctuaries. This combination of salt marsh, mud flats and beachfront hold the highest rated designation in the birding world as a Globally Important Bird Area and is an International Site in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. Hundreds of…

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April 26 @ 6:30 am - 3:30 pm

Boy Scout Woods, Smith Oaks, The Rookery, and more! From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded beacon amongst the coastal marshland providing food, water, and places to rest for weary Gulf migrants. The daily afternoon arrival of neotropic migrants often includes…

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