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Winnie Burkett

burkettWinnie Burkett was introduced to birding at age four by her grandmother.  She grew up looking for birds in the wetlands of South Florida and attended Florida State University.  Moving around the country with her petroleum geologist husband gave her the opportunity to get to know birds and habitat around the US while raising three sons. In 2011 Winnie retired from her position as sanctuary manager for Houston Audubon where she was instrumental in the addition of 1800 acres to the Houston Audubon sanctuaries on the Bolivar Peninsula. Winnie’s main interests and concerns are waterbirds and waterbird habitat protection.

Upcoming Events

April 2025
April 24 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Join Greg Miller and Winnie Burkett at what is called “one of the finest migratory locations in North America” – the southern end of the Bolivar Peninsula. Shorebirds, terns, herons, egrets, and other water birds will give participants an unforgettable field experience. Bolivar Peninsula stretches east of the confluence of the Galveston Bay system and the Gulf of Mexico. This Gulf coast barrier peninsula is the result of natural processes and human activity. The peninsula’s natural features pull in fisherman,…

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