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Events for April 22 - April 28 › Birding Field Trips

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April 2025
April 22 @ 6:30 am - April 23 @ 3:00 pm

Two ecosystems converge in the Beaumont area, the Pineywoods, so called because of the abundant pine trees that are the dominant tree species for the region and the Coastal Marshes, both fresh and brackish marshes along the Gulf Coast. This combination of a variety of habitat results in some excellent spring birding. With the arrival of neotropical migrants, perhaps a rare or uncommon bird or two, a few habitat restricted birds and you have two exciting days to look forward to!

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April 22 @ 7:00 am - 11:00 am

This trip to a private ranch is so popular that we offer it twice - as a pre-festival trip and a post-festival trip so you can either begin or end your FeatherFest adventure at Hall's Bayou Ranch! Hall’s Bayou Ranch encompasses over 25,000 acres of private land that begins at Halls Lake near Alvin TX and flows southeasterly into West Galveston Bay. It is somewhat secluded and normally open only to members. FeatherFest has been given exclusive entry to this…

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April 22 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Clear Creek winds its way from Clear Lake through Galveston County on the mainland, providing beneficial freshwater riparian edge habitat to a wide variety of bird species and other wildlife. This pre-festival trip explores two of the hidden gems in the Clear Lake Loop of the Upper Texas Coast – Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, beginning with the beautiful Challenger Seven Memorial Park. We’ll hike along the trails there looking for spring migrants such as Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, Painted…

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April 22 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

In northeast Harris County, Lake Houston dams the confluence of the two forks of the San Jacinto River, Luce Bayou and Cypress Creek. The mighty San Jac watershed bottomlands hold a bounty of flora and fauna along its courses. Beaver and river otter share Lake Houston with alligator and banded water snakes to name a few. Overhead gulls, pelican and waterbirds move in groups plying the water of the lake for fish. In the spring, the dawn song from the forest is large and loud. Target local nesters include Brown-headed Nuthatch, Red- headed Woodpecker, Bald Eagle, Anhinga and Pine Warbler. Neotropic nesters we hope to encounter: Prothonotary Warbler, Swainson’s Warbler, Painted Bunting, Hooded Warbler, Purple Gallinule and Yellow-billed cuckoo. This habitat also serves the avian migration north, with respite for Blue Grosbeak, Black-throated Green Warbler, Swainson’s Hawk, Western Sandpiper and many others.

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April 22 @ 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Located on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, the Baytown Nature Center (BNC) is a 450-acre peninsula surrounded by three brackish bays. Renowned for its rich bird life, over 350 species have been recorded throughout its 25-year existence. BNC is equipped with trails and observation platforms throughout the center, providing close views of wading birds and shorebirds. Huge utility towers across Burnet Bay often attract migrants as they travel through the area, with brown boobies becoming a fairly common site…

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April 23 @ 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come join us for a day in Brazoria County birding some of the lesser-known hotspots, although that does not make them any less birdy!  These sites are enjoyed by local birders year-round and are especially attractive during spring migration. We will stay flexible with our route depending on weather, bird activity, and other considerations, but we will likely begin by birding the marsh along Crab Road in Surfside.  This tidal saltmarsh habitat is ever-changing, attracting a different variety of species…

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April 23 @ 7:30 am - 11:30 am

We visit two sites within the City of Pearland to observe how one city’s mission, “To protect, manage, and enhance the City’s natural resources, provide citizens with outdoor recreation opportunities, and to further the public’s understanding and appreciation of its natural resources through education and hands-on experiences”, has been taken to the next level. From 50 acres of constructed storm water wetlands to 140 acres of parkland managed entirely for nature and wildlife, the concept of bringing nature to everyone…

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April 23 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

For over forty years Armand Bayou Nature Center has been a leader in habitat restoration. Join us for a behind the scenes adventure of their wildlife treasures. This tour will deepen your appreciation for the richness of life that exists right here next to the fourth largest city in the country.

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April 23 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Follett’s Island is just across the San Luis Pass toll bridge from Galveston Island, yet few people are familiar with its name. This pre-festival trip will introduce you to the importance of this ecologically sensitive and narrow barrier island as we explore some of the best birding hotspots along the Bluewater Highway. We’ll begin at San Luis Pass County Park on the Brazoria County side of the bridge, which hugs the shoreline of the pass and provides excellent birding of…

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April 23 @ 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Two of the most iconic birds in North America visit Armand Bayou every winter and spring.  The American bald eagle and osprey spend November through April hunting and fishing the productive waters of the bayou.  Once threatened by the use of pesticides, the recovery of these species is a great testament to the value of clean water and habitat preservation. This is an incredible viewing opportunity, located in Houston’s backyard.

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April 24 @ 6:30 am - 11:30 am

Galveston is a Gulf coastal island renowned for its many habitats. On the Gulf beaches, you’ll scan out on the swells and incoming surf for rafts of waterfowl and seabirds. Walking along the beach the edge of the surf is active with the antics of the island’s year-round and migrating peeps, Reddish Egret, Great Blue Heron, and shorebirds foraging on “what the tide brung-in.” Away from the water among the dunes of San Luis Pass, East Beach and GISP, Savannah Sparrow and Horned Lark flit about. Beyond the dunes are briny ponds holding roosting seabirds, Nelson’s and Seaside Sparrows, rails, coots, and water birds. In the bay and tidal marshes migrating and nesting herons, egrets and cormorants in their breeding best, forage. The avian fauna is always in flux with the advance and retreat of the tide moving the food chain in and out. Among the tidally influenced habits and the open coastal prairies and oak mottes migrating songbirds need to refuel and find fresh water.

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April 24 @ 6:30 am - 3:30 pm

Boy Scout Woods, Smith Oaks, The Rookery, and more! From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded beacon amongst the coastal marshland providing food, water, and places to rest for weary Gulf migrants. The daily afternoon arrival of neotropic migrants often includes…

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April 24 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Join Greg Miller and Winnie Burkett at what is called “one of the finest migratory locations in North America” – the southern end of the Bolivar Peninsula. Shorebirds, terns, herons, egrets, and other water birds will give participants an unforgettable field experience. Bolivar Peninsula stretches east of the confluence of the Galveston Bay system and the Gulf of Mexico. This Gulf coast barrier peninsula is the result of natural processes and human activity. The peninsula’s natural features pull in fisherman,…

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April 24 @ 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

This Nature Conservancy preserve is 2,303 acres of coastal prairie at the intersection of urban expanse and rural beauty. The coastal grasslands found here are vital to the natural resilience of the Gulf Coast—prairies and marshlands act as a natural buffer during storms and hurricanes, absorbing and dispersing water from storm surges and floods. The sponge-like qualities of the prairie are also important for filtering the freshwater that flows into the Gulf of Mexico—more than three million gallons enter the…

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April 24 @ 7:30 am - 1:30 pm

Join Jon Dunn, a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds, for a birding tour of Galveston Island. Jon co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society's Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions. He is the co-writer and host of the two-video set Large and Small Gulls of North America, as well as co-author (with Kimball Garrett) of Birds of Southern California: Status and Distribution and…

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April 24 @ 7:30 am - 12:00 pm

Focusing on discovering migrating songbirds on Galveston’s West End, this trip will feature warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings. Located at the intersection of two important migratory flyways, Galveston Island provides critical resources and cover for birds as they journey northward. During stormy weather, fallout events are common, as birds seek shelter and much-needed rest at the first sight of land. Our first stop will be at Lafitte’s Cove Nature Preserve, Galveston’s crown jewel during spring migration. We will…

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April 24 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Co-leading with…

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April 24 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

This FeatherFest field trip is designed for those who love to bird but prefer less walking. Enjoy this leisurely bus ride through central Galveston Island, south to north, to areas where birds normally congregate, stopping at various locales allowing easy access off the bus. We start at a beachfront pool that attracts gulls and terns. Moving towards the West Bay, brings us to open areas where migrating shorebirds stop to forage. We then head through fresh and briny marshes looking…

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April 24 @ 12:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Birders will find this workshop/field trip combo the perfect introduction to coastal birding. During the workshop, your guides will give a brief discussion about the diversity of species, as well as various techniques to identify birds on the Upper Texas Coast. We will then board our bus and proceed to the East End Lagoon Nature Preserve beach area where you’ll see Black Skimmer, American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, and many species of shorebirds, gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers, and more. Stops along the way will highlight birds preferring marsh habitat.

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April 24 @ 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

We will concentrate on gaining a deeper understanding of bird identification. Our approach is to observe differences in body structure, behavior, habitat preferences, and feeding styles of various species of birds. This trip allows us time to observe and discover the distinct characteristics of each species as opposed to generating a list of a larger number of species that we know little about. Notebooks are encouraged! We will proceed from the meeting site down Boddecker Rd through the East End…

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April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

This is your opportunity to explore “the other side” of Galveston Bay. We head over the causeway bridge to explore birding areas on the Mainland side of Galveston Bay in the Tiki Island, Texas City, and La Marque areas. One of our best kept secrets and most under explored areas, participants will be surprised at the number and variety of birds seen on this outing. Birding locations may include some privately-owned land with fresh water ponds that provide easy observation of migrating shorebirds and ducks. American Golden Plover, Upland Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and Wilson’s Phalarope are often seen at this location during migration.

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April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Have you ever wanted to practice nature journaling, but found it difficult to know how to start? Or maybe you already love drawing, but want to learn some new tips and tricks to enhance your practice? This nature journaling workshop is designed to break through the trepidation of the “white page” and get you journaling right away.

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April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Galveston’s West End has drawn birders from all over the world for nearly 100 years. In addition to estuarial saltwater marsh, it contains freshwater ponds, pockets of scrubland, mudflats, and sandy beach habitat. This combination attracts a wide variety of shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, and more. We will begin the trip by viewing tidal pools on the Gulf of Mexico side and work our way to the estuaries on the edge of West Bay, stopping at freshwater ponds along the…

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April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Joining Virginia on…

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April 24 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The accident of geology makes the Upper Texas Coast a beacon to weary neotropical migrants finishing a 10+ hour, nonstop flight across the Gulf of Mexico. From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached just 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain where it became covered with 20-30-foot oak trees, creating a vast canopy. This created High Island, which is now a beacon to weary Trans-Gulf migrants. This area provides wooded habitat…

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April 24 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

On this meet at site walking field trip, you'll be birding prairies, woodlots, and marshes of Artist Boat's Coastal Heritage Preserve with Karla Klay. We'll top off the evening with homemade pizza dinner made on the spot!
Join Karla for a birding adventure at Artist Boat’s Coastal Heritage Preserve. Explore the marshes, prairies, and oak motts across the Preserve via walking. Spring migration on the Preserve has hosted up to 103 species identified in a 24-hour period. The spring prairie is famous for heaps of Indigo and Painted Buntings, Dickcissel, Bobolink, and more feasting on dew berries. The spring “Peake” woods host warblers, tanagers, and orioles. From different vantage points, one can find shorebirds, terns, and pelicans in the marshes and over the bay. At dusk we will watch the dramatic sunset across the prairie and preserve while enjoying an artisan prepared pizza. It’s all absolutely spectacular!

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April 24 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Scott Buckel on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.

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April 25 @ 5:30 am - 11:30 am

During  this field trip we will visit some areas not normally publicly accessible.  Virginia Point is a historic peninsula location across Galveston Bay comprising the wonderful 3,000 acres of mainland bay margin which SCENIC GALVESTON, Inc. (SG) has acquired for permanent conservation protection.  Visitors coming into or out of Galveston on I-45 (the O’Quinn Estuary Corridor) see the results of this non-profit’s work on both flanks, and those areas are open to the public.

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April 25 @ 5:45 am - 1:30 pm

Our trip begins with a bus ride to the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory to watch migrant songbirds being caught in mist nets and banded by professional bird banders. This project establishes baseline data for the GCBO property on both resident and migratory bird populations. Banding allows the observatory to obtain information about the physical condition of migrants at this intermediate location between the coast and the bottomland forests lying well inland. Both coastal woodlots and inland bottomland forests are known to be extremely important stopover habitats for nearctic-neotropical migrants that move through the Gulf of Mexico region. Birds that are captured for banding can provide valuable information about their relative physical condition. What a unique opportunity….and that is just the start of this exciting field trip!

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April 25 @ 6:00 am - 10:00 am

Join Ruth Hoyt on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.

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April 25 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Join Richard Gibbons, Director of Conservation for National Audubon, on a trip to one of the finest migratory locations in North America – the western end of the Bolivar Peninsula. Here are the Houston Audubon Horseshoe Marsh and Bolivar Flats bird sanctuaries. This combination of salt marsh, mud flats and beachfront hold the highest rated designation in the birding world as a Globally Important Bird Area and is an International Site in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. Hundreds of…

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April 25 @ 6:30 am - 2:30 pm

Greg is so much fun to bird with that we have added a trip focused on just Galveston Island! We’ll let Greg decide where he wants to go depending on what he’s scouted out before the festival. He’ll check out Corps Woods, Lafitte’s Cove, the East End Flats, Sportsman Road, and sites all the way to San Luis Pass so that he’ll be able to take you to all the best birding spots on the Island. Get ready to see…

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April 25 @ 6:30 am - 3:30 pm

What a treat! Boy Scout Woods, Smith Oaks, The Rookery, and more…with birding expert Jon Dunn! Jon is a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds. He co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society’s Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions. He is the co-writer and host of the two-video set Large and Small Gulls of North America, as well as co-author (with Kimball Garrett) of Birds…

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April 25 @ 7:00 am - 11:00 am

We will concentrate on gaining a deeper understanding of bird identification. Our approach is to observe differences in body structure, behavior, habitat preferences, and feeding styles of various species of birds. This trip allows us time to observe and discover the distinct characteristics of each species as opposed to generating a list of a larger number of species that we know little about. Notebooks are encouraged! We will proceed from the meeting site down Boddecker Rd through the East End…

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April 25 @ 7:30 am - 12:00 pm

Focusing on discovering migrating songbirds on Galveston’s West End, this trip will feature warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings. Located at the intersection of two important migratory flyways, Galveston Island provides critical resources and cover for birds as they journey northward. During stormy weather, fallout events are common, as birds seek shelter and much-needed rest at the first sight of land. Our first stop will be at Lafitte’s Cove Nature Preserve, Galveston’s crown jewel during spring migration. We will…

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April 25 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Drive your own car to the Galveston Island State Park for a delightful, natural experience. Enjoy paddling in a provided kayak while slowly exploring the open lagoons and marshes of Galveston Island State Park, one of the area’s premier ecological jewels. This 2,000-acre public park offers a multitude of habitats that support a wide variety of birds: waders like herons, egrets, Roseate Spoonbill and shorebirds; waterfowl and overhead raptors like Osprey; White-tailed Kite and Northern Harrier. If you have time after the event, visit the two birding observation towers.

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April 25 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Join Clayton Leopold on a guided tour of the birds of Moody Gardens. This unique combination field trip will include a guided tour through the canopy level of the Tropical Rainforest exhibit as well as a viewing of the Penguins in the Aquarium Pyramid. You will learn everything you wanted to know about how our Life Science and Exhibit Operations team manages a diverse collection of tropical species within the Rainforest biome as well as the 7 species of penguins…

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April 25 @ 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This workshop/field trip combo is for beginning birders learning the fundamentals and those wanting to brush up on their birding skills. The one-hour workshop will introduce you to learning how to get started and improve birding skills, techniques, and confidence. Topics include birding practices, optics selection and use, field guides, bird identification considerations and techniques, field notebooks, birding etiquette and ethics, and common birds of Galveston Island. Emphasis will be placed on the field identification of common species After a…

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April 25 @ 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Galveston’s West End has drawn birders from all over the world for nearly 100 years. In addition to estuarial saltwater marsh, it contains freshwater ponds, pockets of scrubland, mudflats, and sandy beach habitat. This combination attracts a wide variety of shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, and more. We will begin the trip by viewing tidal pools on the Gulf of Mexico side and work our way to the estuaries on the edge of West Bay, stopping at freshwater ponds along the…

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April 25 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Galveston Island has all the habitats associated with a barrier island – beach, uplands, fresh water ponds, brackish lagoons and wetlands. Join local father and son team, Allen and Michael Hardee, on this “birdy” trip as you learn to identify Black Skimmers, gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers, herons, egrets, ibis, spoonbills, ducks and much more.

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April 25 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

We love birds for so many reasons: their beautiful songs, their fascinating behaviors, their incredible life histories. And, of course, their gorgeous plumage! This outdoor watercolor workshop will focus on capturing the amazing colors and patterns of birds in an expressive, splashy watercolor painting style that is simple to use and requires basic, easy to obtain materials. The class will focus on letting go of anatomical perfection to examine instead a combination of emotion, energy, and color that portrays a…

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April 25 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Back by popular demand, for this trip, you will be guided by one of our most experienced birders and all-around nature lover, Glenn Olsen. Glenn leads nature tours in the US and overseas but he calls the upper Texas coast home. His extensive knowledge of local birding areas is sure to yield excellent views of migrating warblers as they move through our area on their way to nesting habitat. As a bonus, Glenn is also a Texas Master Naturalist and has served as the president of the Native Plant Society of Texas. His knowledge in these areas should greatly enhance your trip experience. Our group will focus on techniques for improving field identification skills. We will be traveling by bus and places visited will depend on weather patterns and reports from the previous day’s birding activities.

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April 25 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

We offer this trip to those who would like a slower paced trip to Houston Audubon’s two world famous sanctuaries, Smith Oaks, and Boy Scout Woods. Although this is still a mostly walking trip, we will allow  time to stand and/or sit to observe the splendor that is High Island birding. We schedule this trip for late afternoon to catch any lingering migrants and catch afternoon arrivals who have spent 10+ hours flying nonstop across the Gulf of Mexico. From…

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April 25 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join author Jennifer Bristol on an exploration of the historic cemeteries of Galveston. These unexpected birding spaces offer easy walking and quality bird watching, while diving deep into the human history of the island. Participants will explore three cemeteries on this outing, each offering a variety of habitats attractive to birds and birders alike. There is no better time to explore these spaces than spring when the bold colors of the wildflowers showcase the stark white and gray headstones. Please wear…

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April 25 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

On this meet at site walking field trip, you'll be birding prairies, woodlots, and marshes of Artist Boat's Coastal Heritage Preserve with Karla Klay. We'll top off the evening with homemade pizza dinner made on the spot!
Join Karla for a birding adventure at Artist Boat’s Coastal Heritage Preserve. Explore the marshes, prairies, and oak motts across the Preserve via walking. Spring migration on the Preserve has hosted up to 103 species identified in a 24-hour period. The spring prairie is famous for heaps of Indigo and Painted Buntings, Dickcissel, Bobolink, and more feasting on dew berries. The spring “Peake” woods host warblers, tanagers, and orioles. From different vantage points, one can find shorebirds, terns, and pelicans in the marshes and over the bay. At dusk we will watch the dramatic sunset across the prairie and preserve while enjoying an artisan prepared pizza. It’s all absolutely spectacular!

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April 25 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Sean Fitzgerald on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.

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April 26 @ 5:30 am - 12:30 pm

Don’t miss this popular field trip to the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, which is designated an Internationally Significant Shorebird site and contains more water than land within its 44,000+ acres. We’ll leave dark and early on our bus trip to the refuge, crossing San Luis Pass at sunrise. As we continue westward along the Bluewater Highway, we’ll keep an eye out over the wetlands for raptors. We’ll continue along the levee road that follows Oyster Creek, offering the possibility of Ospreys, White Pelicans, and lingering winter waterfowl.

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April 26 @ 6:00 am - 10:00 am

Join Sean Fitzgerald on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.

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April 26 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

The estuaries of Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge are an important nursery for the fish and shellfish species found in the Gulf of Mexico. Beyond the estuaries, the saltwater marshes ease inland. Fresh water from an occasional storm and the inflow from rivers and creeks helps to keep saltwater out of the freshwater marshes, as well as providing nutrients and sediments.  With the change in salinity level comes a different plant community. Though remnant stands of native prairie can be found…

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April 26 @ 6:30 am - 3:30 pm

Boy Scout Woods, Smith Oaks, The Rookery, and more! From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded beacon amongst the coastal marshland providing food, water, and places to rest for weary Gulf migrants. The daily afternoon arrival of neotropic migrants often includes…

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April 26 @ 6:30 am - 3:00 pm

Join Jon Dunn, a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds, for a birding tour of Bolivar Peninsula. Jon co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society’s Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions. He is the co-writer and host of the two-video set Large and Small Gulls of North America, as well as co-author (with Kimball Garrett) of Birds of Southern California: Status and Distribution and the…

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April 26 @ 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join Greg and local birder David Hanson on a trip guaranteed to expose you to many island habitats and what ought to be a significant variety of species! Well known by the locals, these less familiar hot spots have proved fruitful time and again. We’ll begin at Lafitte’s Cove walking the paths in search of migrating and nesting songbirds in the oaks and wading birds in the ponds. From there, we journey east to pick up herons and egrets, migrating…

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April 26 @ 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join Clayton Leopold and Jeff Sexton for this open-ended trip geared for those who come to the Texas Gulf Coast to focus on bird species with range limits in this area. These include local specialties such as Roseate Spoonbill, Wilson’s Plovers, Horned Lark, Seaside Sparrow, and White-tailed Kite. We will also attempt to find any rare species currently being reported. We will visit several top birding sites on Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula, with exact locations to be determined by…

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April 26 @ 7:30 am - 11:00 am

Join us for a trip to one of the largest migrant traps on the East end of Galveston Island. The Texas A&M Wetlands Center hosts mature oaks, hackberry, and mulberry trees as well as small freshwater and retention ponds. This attracts dozens of neo-tropic migrants including warblers, buntings, tanagers, and orioles.

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April 26 @ 7:30 am - 12:00 pm

Focusing on discovering migrating songbirds on Galveston’s West End, this trip will feature warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, grosbeaks, and buntings. Located at the intersection of two important migratory flyways, Galveston Island provides critical resources and cover for birds as they journey northward. During stormy weather, fallout events are common, as birds seek shelter and much-needed rest at the first sight of land. Our first stop will be at Lafitte’s Cove Nature Preserve, Galveston’s crown jewel during spring migration. We will…

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April 26 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

The spectacle of a water bird nesting rookery is a birder “must see.” North Deer Island has 1.7 miles of protected shoreline which supports nesting habitat for the threatened Reddish Egret and 16 other bird species. Rookeries dot the Texas Gulf coast. Among the best in Texas is 144-acre North Deer Island shared by nesting herons, egrets, ibis, cormorants, shorebirds and seabirds. You’ll witness the sight, sounds and smells of thousands of Brown Pelican (approximately 40% of TX coastal nesters),…

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April 26 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Drive your own car to the Galveston Island State Park for a delightful, natural experience. Enjoy paddling in a provided kayak while slowly exploring the open lagoons and marshes of Galveston Island State Park, one of the area’s premier ecological jewels. This 2,000-acre public park offers a multitude of habitats that support a wide variety of birds: waders like herons, egrets, Roseate Spoonbill and shorebirds; waterfowl and overhead raptors like Osprey; White-tailed Kite and Northern Harrier.

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April 26 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join author Jennifer Bristol on an exploration of the historic cemeteries of Galveston. These unexpected birding spaces offer easy walking and quality bird watching, while diving deep into the human history of the island. Participants will explore three cemeteries on this outing, each offering a variety of habitats attractive to birds and birders alike. There is no better time to explore these spaces than spring when the bold colors of the wildflowers showcase the stark white and gray headstones. Please wear…

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April 26 @ 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Galveston’s West End has drawn birders from all over the world for nearly 100 years. In addition to estuarial saltwater marsh, it contains freshwater ponds, pockets of scrubland, mudflats, and sandy beach habitat. This combination attracts a wide variety of shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, and more. We will begin the trip by viewing tidal pools on the Gulf of Mexico side and work our way to the estuaries on the edge of West Bay, stopping at freshwater ponds along the…

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April 26 @ 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

This is your opportunity to explore “the other side” of Galveston Bay. We head over the causeway bridge to explore birding areas on the Mainland side of Galveston Bay in the Tiki Island, Texas City, and La Marque areas. One of our best kept secrets and most under explored areas, participants will be surprised at the number and variety of birds seen on this outing. Birding locations may include some privately-owned land with fresh water ponds that provide easy observation…

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April 26 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Birds need bugs—for food, as well as to support the ecosystems that sustain birds. Sadly, bugs (insects and other arthropods) face many challenges to their survival, and they need our help. The good news is that we can take simple steps to help them—right here, right now, right in our own gardens. In this presentation, Lauren Simpson explains the importance of bugs for birds, introduces our native insects, and shares simple techniques for transforming our own garden into a beautiful, native-plant paradise—one that supports bugs, birds, and other wildlife while also pleasing neighbors. Ms. Simpson will also bring native-plant seeds, harvested from her own gardens, to share with attendees

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April 26 @ 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Joining Virginia on…

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April 26 @ 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Bird Galveston’s East End with one of the world’s most famous birders! In 1998, Greg zig-zagged 130,000 miles across the USA hoping to reach at least 700 species of birds in one calendar year.

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April 26 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

From under an ancient sea, a salt dome emerged. After a few thousand years the dome reached 38-feet above a pancake-flat coastal plain; the highest point-of-land on the immediate coast from Mobile Bay to the Yucatan Peninsula. This is High Island, which is now a wooded beacon amongst the coastal marshland providing food, water, and places to rest for weary Gulf migrants. The daily afternoon arrival of neotropic migrants often includes dozens of species, along with local and resident waterfowl,…

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April 26 @ 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm

This trip takes you to a private property owned by the Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) and not generally open to the public. GBF has conserved over 13,000 acres of critical coastal habitat in and around Galveston Bay. For decades, groundwater pumping in the region caused massive subsidence and contributed to the loss of wetlands. That coastal erosion meant wetlands around the bay sank into the water. Like many parts of Galveston Island, Sweetwater Preserve has sustained severe erosion. A 1,000-foot oyster reef project is part of larger restoration efforts in which the foundation has planted marsh along the shoreline. The reef protects the marsh from more degradation and protects the 464-acre property. This property includes a mixture of habitats including coastal prairie, estuarine marsh, salt flats, freshwater wetlands, brackish wetlands, and coastal woodlots.

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April 26 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Scott Buckel on this unique experience on Galveston Bay to photograph birds in flight from a boat. One of the best ways to learn to photograph birds in flight is to practice and this trip will provide ample opportunities to do just that! The number of birds, Brown Pelicans in particular, is amazing, providing many photo opportunities as the birds come and go from the islands. In Galveston Bay, there are man-made islands where large numbers of breeding birds nest. This special trip, arranged by FeatherFest, allows us to approach these islands while following a special protocol to minimize impact on the colonial birds.

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April 26 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

If you’d love to have a personal Raptor Experience with a touch of history, this one-of-a-kind wildlife celebration is for you! Raptors Uncorked is returning to the historic 1859 Ashton Villa on Broadway. In addition, we are bringing back our VIP Experience, so don't miss out on this unique and fun event.

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April 26 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Birding Artist Boat’s Coastal Heritage Preserve by Golf Cart is the perfect outing for those with mobility challenges.  (This field trip is not available for those using wheelchairs.) Sit back and enjoy birding the Anchor Bay Peninsula of the Coastal Heritage Preserve from the comfort of the new Artist Boat electric golf cart with Executive Director Karla Klay! Guests will travel across a one-mile-long elevated peninsula strewn with wood motts, small freshwater wetlands, and tremendous views of saltmarshes, mudflats, coastal…

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April 27 @ 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come join us for a day in Brazoria County birding some of the lesser-known hotspots, although that does not make them any less birdy!  These sites are enjoyed by local birders year-round and are especially attractive during spring migration. We will stay flexible with our route depending on weather, bird activity, and other considerations, but we will likely begin by birding the marsh along Crab Road in Surfside.  This tidal saltmarsh habitat is ever-changing, attracting a different variety of species…

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April 27 @ 7:30 am - 11:30 am

Back by popular demand, for this trip, you will be guided by one of our most experienced birders and all-around nature lover, Glenn Olsen. Glenn leads nature tours in the US and overseas but he calls the upper Texas coast home. His extensive knowledge of local birding areas is sure to yield excellent views of migrating warblers as they move through our area on their way to nesting habitat. As a bonus, Glenn is also a Texas Master Naturalist and has served as the president of the Native Plant Society of Texas. His knowledge in these areas should greatly enhance your trip experience. Our group will focus on techniques for improving field identification skills. We will be traveling by bus and places visited will depend on weather patterns and reports from the previous day’s birding activities.

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April 27 @ 7:45 am - 12:45 pm

Galveston is a Gulf coastal island renowned for its many habitats. On the Gulf beaches, you’ll scan out on the swells and incoming surf for rafts of waterfowl and seabirds. Walking along the beach the edge of the surf is active with the antics of the island’s year-round and migrating peeps, Reddish Egret, Great Blue Heron, and shorebirds foraging on “what the tide brung-in.” Away from the water among the dunes of San Luis Pass, East Beach and GISP, Savannah Sparrow and Horned Lark flit about. Beyond the dunes are briny ponds holding roosting seabirds, Nelson’s and Seaside Sparrows, rails, coots, and water birds. In the bay and tidal marshes migrating and nesting herons, egrets and cormorants in their breeding best, forage. The avian fauna is always in flux with the advance and retreat of the tide moving the food chain in and out. Among the tidally influenced habits and the open coastal prairies and oak mottes migrating songbirds need to refuel and find fresh water.

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Brazos Bend can be the perfect ending to your FeatherFest experience! Drive your own car to beautiful Brazos Bend State Park and meet with local guides, Mark Scheuerman and Kristine Rivers. Note: Drive time to Brazos Bend is about 1 ½ hours from FeatherFest Headquarters. The park opens at 8:00 am This beautiful state park is 4,897 acres along the Brazos River in Needville, Texas, and has land in the Brazos River Floodplain with magnificent moss-covered and vine-draped live oak woodlands. The…

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Wrap up your FeatherFest adventure with a Sunday morning of shorebirds with Jon Dunn. Jon is a leading expert on the identification and distribution of North American birds. He co-authored the sixth and seventh editions of National Geographic Society’s Field Guide to the Birds of North America. He was the Chief Consultant/Editor for the first five editions. He is the co-writer and host of the two-video set Large and Small Gulls of North America, as well as co-author (with Kimball Garrett) of Birds of Southern…

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Galveston Island State Park protects 2,000 acres of upper Gulf Coast barrier island ecosystem. Barrier islands like Galveston move and change constantly with the action of waves, wind, and tides to support a mosaic of coastal habitats, including beaches, prairies and wetlands. These habitats host a surprising variety of wildlife. Join Kyle O’Haver Park Superintendent, on a trip that will cover his favorite areas of the park. These areas are host to salt marsh wetlands and prairie. Wetlands form a…

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

This is your opportunity to explore “the other side” of Galveston Bay. We head over the causeway bridge to explore birding areas on the Mainland side of Galveston Bay in the Tiki Island, Texas City, and La Marque areas. One of our best kept secrets and most under explored areas, participants will be surprised at the number and variety of birds seen on this outing. Birding locations may include some privately-owned land with fresh water ponds that provide easy observation…

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Moody Gardens Golf Course is an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf certified facility with an eBird hotspot listing over 200 species.  The course was ranked the #4 public golf course in Texas by Golfer’s Choice in 2022.  With water on every one of the 18 holes and ample natural habitat throughout and surrounding much of the course, it is a great location for wildlife.  Over the last 18 months we have participated in the Houston Audubon Urban Surveys for…

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April 27 @ 8:00 am - 11:30 am

We are pleased to offer this accessible outing for birders with limited mobility, disabilities, or other health concerns, and for those interested in an easier-paced birding trip. We also welcome those interested in creating and understanding inclusive, accessible birding as a community and life list-building experience. This outing will be led by Virginia Rose, Founder of Birdability, an organization committed to making the birding community and the outdoors accessible, safe, welcoming and inclusive for everybody and every body. Joining Virginia on…

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April 28 @ 7:00 am - 11:00 am

This trip to a private ranch is so popular that we offer it twice - as a pre-festival trip and a post-festival trip so you can either begin or end your FeatherFest adventure at Hall's Bayou Ranch! Hall’s Bayou Ranch encompasses over 25,000 acres of private land that begins at Halls Lake near Alvin TX and flows southeasterly into West Galveston Bay. It is somewhat secluded and normally open only to members. FeatherFest has been given exclusive entry to this…

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